Former Texas state Senate candidate says she was ‘gagged, bound, tortured’ in hotel attack

A former Texas state senator was reportedly “gagged, bound [and] tortured” in a hotel.

Three people have been arrested in connection to the aggregious attack against Republican Vanessa Tijerina, which took place after she was told to meet with them over a matter regarding her safety.

Vanessa Tijerina (Facebook)

“They made it seem like they had something really, really important to tell me and they couldn’t tell me on the phone,” Tijerina said.

After being captured and held against her will, she was severely beaten.

“I was beaten. I was terrorized, bound, gagged, tortured,” Tijerina said.

The New York Post reported that the woman was also stomped on by her captors before they left with all her belongings.

“They stole my car. They stole my money. They stole everything from me,” Tijerina said.

The suspects have been identified as two women and a man- Amanda Salinas, Ariel Vera and Raymond Santana.

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