The brother of renowned drug kingpin Pablo Escobar is pushing a new cellular device that can fold in half- and it has been dubbed the “Escobar Fold 1.”
Utilizing photo shoots and video featuring models in lingerie, ex-con Roberto “Little Bear” Escobar has been plugging the phone, which features his late brother’s mugshot on the main screen.
“Imagine a reality, where you can ease fold your phone into a tablet,’’ the product’s website reads. “This is now possible, thanks to the Escobar Fold 1.’’
The phone costs around $349, and the product’s video claims that late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs had dreamed of such a device.
“Apple Boy Steve once looked into space,” a voice says in the video. “He saw Pablo Escobar with a phone beyond anybody’s imagination.”
According to the New York Post, the phone appears to be a rival to the Galaxy Fold, which costs around $2,000, and has issued a challenge to Apple, who has yet to finish a folding iPhone.
“I have told many people that I would beat Apple, and I will,” Roberto said. “I cut [out] the networks and retailers to sell to customers phones that can fold for only $349, phones which in stores cost thousands of dollars by Samsung and others.” The phone’s marketing is bizarre, with many of the featured models in compromising poses as they peddle the device.
Escobar was once an accountant for the Medellin Cartel, handling billions of dollars. It is unknown where the funds to develop the phone came from.
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