A teacher in Seattle, Washington, has once again demonstrated the kind of political indoctrination many young people are being subjected to- and she was outed by a bored student.
TOPS K-8 School teacher Suzanne Wakefield, who teaches 8th grade art at the institution, was filmed during a remote learning session last week by a 13-year-old who had become rather irate with his teacher’s lesson deviation.
Wakefield, who tasked her students with creating a drawing to fit the theme of “peace,” went on a bizarre rant while handing out the assignment, inevitably talking about President Donald J. Trump.
“Our country is divided, our leader is pushing that, he’s not an advocate for peace, our leader, or unity like Obama was,” Wakefield told her students. “Unity and peace, people coming together, which is really hard to do because there’s so many equality issues and injustice happening that people are fighting against.”
The student filming the video (which was obtained by mynorthwest.com) was careful to ensure that Wakefield did not notice, but the audio of the rather shakily-filmed clip was crystal clear.
At one point, Wakefield quoted lyrics from John Lennon’s “Imagine.”
Wakefield then began rambling about “white privilege” and how peace is possibly “racist.”
“I might have been coming from a racist perspective,” Wakefield said.
The teacher claimed that peace is not possible while others are “oppressed.”
“I believe that peace can only happen when we have equality and justice,” she said. “We don’t have that. There’s groups of people that peace is like completely out of their realm. How can you have peace when we’re having like, just for an example, equal rights, human civil rights battles because a lot of groups are not treated equally and that’s really coming across.
My perspective is coming from a white privilege. I’m a white person and I’ve been conditioned and I’m trying to un-condition myself. But I just wanted you guys to know that if you believe in peace, it could mean lots of different things. But I also believe that peace is really not possible without equality and justice and that’s why you can have a peaceful protest and try to protest what’s going on in the world. But how can you feel peace when you’re a group from a minority or something that’s been oppressed and does not have the same privileges as white people do, ya know?”
Wakefield even stated that all of the art history she had learned came from a “Eurocentric white supremacist point of view.”
While media coverage of the incident has been sparse to near-nonexistent, the clip does paint a terrifying picture- what are children learning in schools when parents can’t be around to supervise?
On their website, TOPS K-8 appears to fall into the same vein of thought as their teacher.
“We acknowledge that we gather on the stolen traditional land of the Coast Salish Peoples, including all tribes and bands within the Duwamish, Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot Nations,” the school wrote on the front page of their website. “We honor with gratitude the land itself and its original caretakers, who are still here.”
The institution could not be reached for comment, nor would they return voicemails provided.
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