Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris rebuked by father over pot comments, identity politics

Senator Kamala Harris is getting a stern look of disapproval from her Jamaican father, who recently accused her of pushing Jamaican stereotypes “in pursuit of identity politics.”

When recently pressed on her stance and prior use of marijuana, Harris claimed her ethnic background gave her special insight on the subject.

“Half my family’s from Jamaica,” she said. “Are you kidding me?”

This comment didn’t sit well with Kamala’s father, Donald Harris, who referred to his daughter’s remarks as a “travesty.”

“My dear departed grandmother … as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics,” he said.

Mr. Harris is an economics professor at Stanford University and echoed sentiments by Jamaicans in their own local media.

Harris reportedly claimed that her Jamaican father’s side of the family would be disappointed in her if she did not support the legalization of marijuana, according to Jamaica Global Online, prompting accusations of stereotyping not only from her father, but the publication as well.

“The perception created by Ms. Harris’ statement is real and has caused some unease amongst Jamaicans at home and in the diaspora and now, it seems, her father and his Jamaican family,” the publication wrote. “For some, it is more than mere unease; one Jamaican commenting on social media expressed the concern that ‘soon my job will be singling me out to drug test me since I am from Jamaica. What a stereotype.’ Her concern is not unfounded given the experience of Jamaicans traveling to US ports having sniffer dogs around them in customs halls.”

The California Senator’s bid for the White house was officially announced in January of 2019.

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