Publicity Stunt? Mommy-blogger makes headlines for 2:00 a.m. 911 call

A Utah mommy-blogger with a large following on social media is getting a lot of publicity following a 2:00 a.m. 911 call claiming she had run out of formula for her 6-week-old child.

Shannon Bird, known for her blog and pictures on Instagram, claimed on the emergency call that she had run out of breast milk and didn’t have any formula to give her newborn baby.

Shannon Bird. Credit: Instagram.

Naturally, officers with the Lone Peak Police Department responded, picking up milk on the way. However, when they realized the baby was too young for milk, they went back out and picked up baby formula, according to

Arriving again with the formula, Officer Wagstaff’s camera captured him saying to “That’s the same stuff we gave my daughter when she was first born, so hopefully it doesn’t upset her stomach,” Wagstaff’s camera captured him saying to Bird.

Bird told the dispatcher; “I’ve never been in this predicament ever. My milk just literally dried out. This is my fifth kid and this has never happened,” according to KSL.

Whether or not the 911 call was actually an emergency, as opposed to waking up her other kids and going to 24-hour-store that sells baby formula, has been the speculation of many online.

There has also been a lot of speculation as to whether or not this was a publicity stunt to get more followers on social media or to her blog.

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