The FBI is looking into claims that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar married her brother, according to multiple news sources.
The Somali-born politician, who has been touted as a member of the Democratic Party’s infamous “squad” of young radical lawmakers, was the subject of a meeting held in October between two FBI agents and a concerned party.
The meeting was first covered by The Blaze, and involved Omar’s marriage to British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, which was believed to be solely for the purpose of getting the man a green card.
The “source” willing to speak to the New York Post alleged that the two agents did not commit to opening an investigation, but passed information to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the US Department of Education.
Omar has denied the incestual implications, referring to the claims as “lies.”
Omar was initially married to Ahmed Hirsi, but divorced him after they had two of her three children together and allegations of an affair began to rise. Marrying Elmi a year later, a “source” within the Minneapolis Somali community claimed all three adults were living together.
Omar and Hirsi’s marriage is reported to be a religious one, not one based on actual US law.
Eventually, Omar and Elmi split in 2011, and she would once again rekindle her relationship with Hirsi, having a third child. She would formally divorce Elmi in 2017.
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