A teacher in Georgia was brutally beaten on camera by one of his students- and the vicious attack has the school system rethinking some of their policies.
The incident happened late Tuesday morning at Discovery High School in Lawrenceville, where a student became uncontrollably violent.
The attack was filmed by another student and ultimately left the teacher with a head injury and a bloodied mouth.
“I don’t think people should have the crap beat out of them when they go to work,” the teacher’s wife told Channel 2 News. “I just want the students and the teachers to be safe, because my husband signed up to be a teacher. He loves his job.”
The teacher and his wife wish to remain anonymous to avoid further retaliation.
The incident happened just as the Gwinnett School board -led by Dr. Three Johnson- began re-evaluating changes to its discipline policy from earlier this year, which eased standards for tribunals.
School district officials in the area have reported a 31% increase in the number of students involved in fights and violent acts.
It is unknown if the student will face disciplinary or criminal charges.
#Teacher from #DiscoveryHighSchool in #Lawrenceville, #GA was beaten by a student. 1 day after discussing this student’s poor performance with parents. #schoolfights #schoolteacher #Georgia pic.twitter.com/5FhbdLGq5n
— Sn00pster 🎙️ (@sn00pdad) December 1, 2022
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